Call for Artists

The Morton Public Library is currently seeking exhibit proposals from solo artists and groups for our 2023-2024 gallery season.

The Morton Public Library welcomes groups, organizations or individuals to display art that is engaging to a broad public audience of all ages (including young children) and suitable for display in a multi-function space that also hosts workshops, library programs and other events. The aim of the Morton Library gallery space are to create space where artists and patrons are welcome to connect, to provide career development opportunities for artists by providing gallery space to display their work and to offer an inclusive, all ages art experience for patrons of Morton Library.

The 2023-2024 gallery season extends from April 2023 through March 2024. Exhibits are approximately six weeks long.

About Our Gallery Space:

The Morton Public Library Gallery space is located in the Reuling room at the front of the library and hosts many library programs and other community meetings.

APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED January 20 – February 18, 2023. Learn more here.


Assistance available for License Discount Program


Job Openings